Friday, February 16, 2007

Disconnected?: Jesuit Education & Today's Student

The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities publishes a quarterly journal called Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education. The latest issue explores the question of a "disconnect" between today's student and the goals of Jesuit education. It's an interesting issue, which can be accessed on-line. It even features my own take on the topic: "Students and Teachers in a Changing Landscape."


Blogger Karen said...

I really enjoyed reading your terrific article. But the photo with it made me want to give up my dream of teaching college someday!

7:11 PM  
Blogger DP said...

Well, I feel old. As in Grandpa Simpson old. "Back in my day, the only 'blackberries' we had were found in the produce department..."

Your essay offers some really good suggestions, especially with respect to using the technology to reach out to modern students in the classroom and out of it. I also like the "office hours" in the cafeteria--that's a nice, low-pressure way to arrange things.

My only question is from the standpoint of the professors themselves--are the usual pressures of research and publications a comparable time drain at Jesuit schools, too? If so, then the schools themselves are going to have to find a way to acknowledge and reward the cura/magis activities of the professors, too, what with time being a zero-sum concept.

12:16 PM  

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