Sunday, November 12, 2006

Saint Augustine Goes to the Movies

So, I sometimes think in movies. And I couldn't help but think of an upcoming movie when I read this bit about asceticism and chastity in Saint Augustine:

But I know what they murmur. "What if," they say, "all men should be willing to restrain themselves from all intercourse, how would the human race survive?" Would that all men had this wish, if only in "charity, from a pure heart and a good conscience and faith unfeigned." Much more quickly would the City of God be filled and the end of time be hastened.

If you're wondering what this might look like, it might look something like the upcoming movie "Children of Men." Maggie has a link to one of the trailers.


Blogger Reel Fanatic said...

Children of Men will indeed present a chilling premise .. it's definitely near the top of my must-see list for the rest of this year

5:23 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Children of Men is my favorite P.D. James book. I'm glad it is being made into a movie. As a possible future scenario, I find it far more plausible than the scenario sketched out in The Handmaid's Tale.

For a take on contemporary Augustinianism, I take notice of Los Lonely Boys and their song Heaven

9:26 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

I had a post about that movie too a few months ago ... great minds think alike :-)

6:08 PM  

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