Those Darn Jesuits . . . Provoking Radio

The Washington Times has a piece on the radio ministry of Jesuit Father Steve Spahn:
He is like a lot of other talk-radio hosts: 35, single, friendly, a smooth talker. But the Rev. Stephen Spahn is also a Catholic priest. Father Spahn holds forth every Sunday at 10 a.m. on WBAL-1090 AM, inviting religious leaders of all faiths to weigh in on everything from poverty to prison. A Jesuit priest serving for the past two years as associate pastor at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown, Father Spahn dislikes "shrill, call-in radio," he says, but has dubbed his program "Provoke Radio" to "provoke" listeners to action on social justice issues. Radio Mass of Baltimore Inc., a Roman Catholic ministry to the homebound, sponsors the show, which is taped in a confessional in Baltimore's St. Ignatius Apostolic Center.
Hat tip to Jim Tucker. Read the whole thing. Listen in.
Provoke radio is great! I'm surprised that more people have not caught on to it yet; but it's good to see them getting more press time.
I emailed their producer a while back suggesting they start podcasting, and it seems that will be available soon.
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