Those Darn Jesuits . . . Helping Bring Nicole Back to the Church

Those darn Jesuits seem to have their hand in everything, even it seems, Nicole Kidman's annulment and marriage this week in the Church:
"Jesuit father Paul Coleman met the couple earlier this week to discuss their marriage, and is tipped to be conducting the wedding ceremony.
The priest said he had a "good feeling about their chances".
"You've got to rely on their maturity and knowledge of each other and I'm impressed," he told members of the Australian media.
Kidman was born in Hawaii while Urban was born in New Zealand. Both were brought up in Australia.
The actress won an Oscar in 2003 for her role as Virginia Woolf in The Hours. Recent projects include Fur, in which she plays photographer Diane Arbus, and thriller The Visiting.
Country star Urban won a Grammy Award for best male country vocal performance last year.
Asked what advice he would give the couple for their marriage, Father Coleman said: "Make time for each other, do romantic things together and never part without kissing."
Read more about Coleman, and Nicole's return to the faith here.
I'm very happy for her. She's a smart lady and I'm glad everything is coming up roses for her post-Cruise. Now let's pray the same happens for Katie Holmes.
AMDG, indeed.
Yep, the Jesuits did it again.:-).God bless them and the happy pair.
Wasn't she married once before? What is the status of that marriage?
Her previous marriage to Tom Cruise has, reportedly, been annuled.
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