Monday, March 27, 2006

About Me
- Name: Mark Mossa, SJ
- Location: Bronx, New York, United States
What's a "hyphenated" priest? It's a priest who is also pursuing one or more other occupations. I am a student-priest, professor-priest and writer-priest. I am also a Jesuit priest, but that doesn't get a hyphen. I am currently doing all these things at Fordham University, in New York City.

Previous Posts
- Those Darn Jesuits . . . Roamin' Around Italy
- Contradictions, Crossroads and Plan B
- Companions of Jesus
- Vocations Videos
- Look Into My . . . iPod
- Poverty and Accepting Generosity
- Hospital Corners
- Calbes?
- Bookish
- Amazon Connect
Links of Interest


I trust you've seen this:
Is THAT what happened to my cow???
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