Those Darn Jesuits . . . Roamin' Around Italy
In a previous post, I introduced you to Fr. Joseph Carola of the New Orleans province of the Jesuits (my province). He teaches at the Gregorian University in Rome. But he also has been getting around quite a bit with students studying there, as you can see in his numerous appearances on the blog The Roamin'Roman. Here' some of his latest exploits:

Whether it's hiking, playing piano, waiting tables or offering Mass--he does it all!

Whether it's hiking, playing piano, waiting tables or offering Mass--he does it all!
Is he wearing a soutane?
How orthodox!
Certain traditionalists may be stunned.
I see I've been beaten to the post. I was going to ask if my eyes were deceiving me: a Jesuit in a cassock, with a 'belly band' no less?!! Whatever next... orthodox teaching?!
I jest of course... on the latter. But only just. :)
Wearing that might be "traditional," but I'm not exactly sure how that would be considered "orthodox."
But I think I know what you mean!
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