Saturday, April 23, 2005

Adjusting to a New Pope

I've been trying to sort out this mass of feelings I've been experiencing this week with the election of the new Pope. I just didn't realize that it would affect me as much as it has! In part of my continuing attempt to do so, I contributed a little piece to
  • Busted Halo

    Blogger Steve Bogner said...

    That's a good article, Mark.

    I heard a Bob Dole interview on NPR the other day (concerning his new book) and really enjoyed listening to him. His quick wit and sense of humor was in contrast to the politician he used to be. So often, people define us by our roles, our jobs. It's an easy human tendency, and we have to keep an awareness of that because it can get in the way of progress.

    9:24 AM  
    Blogger god googler said...

    Good comments Mark. Hope you can continue to contribute to BustedHalo.

    Mike Hayes,
    Managing Editor,

    P.S. Send me your email when you get a chance.

    10:48 AM  
    Blogger Sean Salai, S.J. said...


    I also felt strange when I first saw someone else wearing John Paul's clothes, as you put it. He was pope for so long that it almost seemed to me he was bigger than the papacy.

    Still, there have been many popes, and there will probably be many more. I have a feeling Benedict XVI will do just fine.

    11:37 AM  

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